Large-Scale Application of the Vegan Fertilizer Blattwerk at the State Garden Show in Beelitz

Vegan fertilizer Blattwerk and bees

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As early as 1970, State Garden Shows have been held in the Federal Republic of Germany, which are exhibitions on horticulture that also include thematic areas such as landscape architecture.

A post by Alice Frassin

The state of Brandenburg is hosting this year’s State Garden Show in the asparagus city Beelitz from April 14 to October 31 under the guiding theme of culinary arts on a 15-hectare site. The horticultural themes that are present this year are a colorful and flowering variety of inspiration, such as changing flowers, perennials, model gardens or even temporary garden themes.

The goals of State Garden Shows in Germany are to improve the livability and ecological climate within cities. In addition to improving the quality of life, retreats to green spaces naturally increase the attractiveness of urban areas. Especially in summer, plants in cities have a cooling effect, which is essential in regards to current problems of global warming. 

Especially in a time characterized by climate change, it is particularly important to resort to natural fertilizers, whose production guarantees climate protection. Therefore, the city Beelitz decided to use the ecologic and vegan fertilizer Blattwerk to combine environmental sustainability and fertilization. Thus, the soils of the Garden Show area are not oversaturated, hence flowers and perennials can continue their glorious growth.

“In Beelitz, the organic fertilizer can now show what it can do in front of a particularly large audience – after all, several hundred thousand visitors are expected. And they will be particularly attentive when the flowers shine in the brightest colors.” (Landesgartenschau Beelitz, 2022)

Visit us at the Brandenburg State Garden Show to see a large-scale best-practice application of our vegan fertilizer Blattwerk, which can also be used to brighten up your own garden and houseplants.